Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The new heifer baby and some other happenings!!!

I have a new addition to the farm, Gertie!

Here she is chewing on my shorts!

She is a 5 week old Holstein heifer. Her mom produced over 8 gallons of milk a day so when she freshens I will be busy! Maybell only has 4 months till I can bred her and I can't wait till I can milk them and start making stuff with it. Gertie is such a sweet little girl, she loves attention and will even nearly fall asleep with her head in my lap. I have her all fixed up in the barn with her straw, food, water and a big ole fan to keep her cool! She is eating good, has 2 bottles a day and eats grain. I hate that she has to stay pinned up for now but the two baby goats, who aren't really babies anymore but they get on their knees and crawl under to see her. She does not know what to think about them but does seem to like the company. Yesterday I got her out on a lead rope and she did so good. She wanted to run and boy was it a hot day to run circles in the pasture!

Now, I had been noticing that I was missing some eggs and a bunny rabbit when Jon came running in the house saying "do you wanna get your gun'? This 4 foot monster was leaving the coop! Being that this week was the week that I had truly overdone it moving my bedroom furniture to sand and stain the floors, I was extremely sore and was on meds for inflamed muscles so firing a 9 mm was not a good idea and I let Jon have the honors! Boy did I hate to pass that up! I am sure that he had grown to be this big and strong from all the protein he had gotten from my eggs!

I only have one baby boy piglet left to sell and the pig pen is back for Priscilla and Hambone to enjoy their peace and quiet. They grow so fast and my goodness they can eat!

Now other than freezing corn and making cobblers that is about it. I do have lots of pears and peaches almost ready for picking so once they are ripe I will freeze the peaches and make some pear preserves...yum!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't there something you could spray to keep the snakes away from your chicken coop?
