Sunday, June 12, 2011

A slow weekend on the farm....

Alston and I started out the weekend by the pool. This is something that I rarely get the time to do but my chores where caught up, animals fed so why not? Then it was home to milk goats, clean stalls (that for some reason the cows go to when it is time to potty and this is not helping with the fly population), feed, clean water bowls and fill duck pond. Being in the sun so long had zapped me so it was a short evening for me! I was in my pj's by 7:00 and I usually come inside when I can't see what I am doing anymore. Jon said he was thinking something was odd when he seen that I was inside so early but there was plenty of housework waiting. Anyway, a pretty slow Saturday.

Then we have the usual Sunday morning with breakfast then church and today was a special Sunday since Jon, Alston and myself all joined Mt. Ararat where we have attended for nearly 2 years. We all love this church and being that I attended the same church my entire life until this, once I started going to Mt. Ararat, I never wanted to go back! I can just feel God's presence in our church everytime I enter it and I know that I am in the right place. Alston was the first to mention that we were not members and he wanted to be one so I am glad that we got to do that together. Once we got some running done it was time for some goat soap again. I did not have enough molds the last time which is why I had it in the glass dish that Ramze broke so I bought more and stuff to package each bar in. The worse part of this is that it recommends letting it set for at least a month if not 2 to set up good and I am just so ready to wrap it up and give it out! I think I will get Jon to test out one of the first one's tonight just to see what happens. I have attached a few pictures just so that you can see some of the process, it is alot of fun and once I get better at it maybe I can add some different stuff to it.
This is the molds, they have to be greased to make sure that the soaps pop out easy when it hardens.

You can see that this is a gold color and that is what happens to the goats milk once you pour in the lye and mix with mixer. All the other ingredients are added then you mix and mix and let sit and mix some more....finally it is thickend and poured into molds.

Now tomorrow they will be hard enough to take out of molds be still have to lay out to set up.

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